Because what else are you supposed to do with 5 hour stopovers in Vancouver? Geoff picked me up at the airport (which is always a lovely thing in of itself) and we ate at Hapa Isakaya on the advice/directions of an architect from Toronto and the concierge at the Westin Hotel (perhaps my good hotel karma in action?). And yes, it was very dark and swanky. We fit right in.

Third salmon meal of the day. Omega 3 fatty acids and bliss all at once. Also the best daikon salad I've had (with lemon balm and red and yellow peppers). And raw squid. And raw prawns from which I sucked the delicious brains. Geoff can be commended for remaining at the table in light of this horror.
A twenty minute walk in the rain down Robson St., sushi, a bar of G&B's Maya Gold Chocolate and good company. Almost as good as the stopover where I stared at a wall in the Charles de Gaulle airport for the corresponding length of time. Or possibly better.
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