In a desperate last-ditch attempt to procrastinate before my midwifery-knowledge-and-prac exam tomorrow, I started persuing my
own profile just now. That the # of hits is above 400, combined with the fact that yesterday I got a resounding endorsement of my favourite meal [apparently
transplant coordinators also like weird green concoctions] makes me wonder who
is reading this?
Leave your name cryptically if you must, but let me know.
(if only to aid the procrastination attempts - inarguably a worthy cause)
and hey, thanks for reading. . .
Greetings... I'm the Canadian on the Prairies looking sheepish.
I've even written about you.
Ducking and scurrying away.... okay, getting kids dressed is more likely.
I'm reading.
Oh and best wishes on the exams. Can't forget what we are trying to avoid studying for!
Hi, I read your blog and enjoy it.
My blog: http://journals.aol.com/roxanne600/AdventuresofaBreastfeedingMother/
Of course, I check in daily. :)If you're getting a kazillion hits from me and then some, I've bookmarked your site and get to mine through yours. I rather do it that way than risk having someone from home, with whom I share a computer with, happen upon mine. (I prefer being private, y'know, older kids, husband, etc)
I much enjoy your poetic nature. :)
Of course, I check in daily. :)If you're getting a kazillion hits from me and then some, I've bookmarked your site and get to mine through yours. I rather do it that way than risk having someone from home, with whom I share a computer with, happen upon mine. (I prefer being private, y'know, older kids, husband, etc)
I much enjoy your poetic nature. :)
Sunshine, aspiring midwife and fellow blogger in US. Love your gentle words always and look forward to their poetry.
Salut, I'm an Oregonian and former doula and really enjoy your blog, both your way with words and the passion for midwifery. Best of luck on your exams!
I read . . . have since the start. I love your blog. :)
Hey M,
You might remember me from such past excursions as... K-town youth orchestra, and sitting on the couch in your back room singing silly songs until the wee hours of the morning... =)
Anyway, I've been reading your blog (but have been a bit shy with the comments!). I'm really glad that you're learning to be a midwife! =)
I hope our paths cross again sometime soon! (maybe we will be home at the same time sometime...)
Guwan the Puppet Master Reads your Blog
Another Oregonian here...I check in on you about every 3-4 days, very quietly of course!
I'm a CBE, doula and student midwife on hiatus.
Good luck on your exam and good for you for pursuing your dream of midwifery.
Me, me, I'm here
but not 100 times a day
I read! Also not 100 times a day, but I do check in most days. :)
i'm jen, a florida midwife. hi!!!!
oh, I am only about once a day or so . . . maybe less when you write less.
hello :)
G'day. :)
I read too though I'm a little behind!! Midwifery student from Ontario Canada. ;)
I just found you today through a link at Midwiffle Seed. Beautiful writing!
I am a wife, mother, birth and postpartum doula, childbirth educator, volunteer, speaker, blogger--that's why I am a woman of many "hats."
Great to find you!
a TAD late but and i know you know I read this but i thought i would join the crowd :]
Fellow midwifery student here....first time on your blog, i drifted here while procrastinating for my final exam cram session. Good luck!!
around the world in texas... i'm a midwife awake at 2 am with memories of last nights birth whirling in my head... pondering starting a blog of my own... thank you for writing...
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