The Other Side of the World: The Angry Bus

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Angry Bus

Am presently milling around Vancouver (though leaving ever so soon) - an experience I'll post about later when I find myself berefit of all other activities (and let history show, this will happen). Anyway, I had to mention, of note, the fact that I just took a ride on the angriest bus of my life today in Downtown Vancouver. I am not a soft suburban bus-riding debutante having ridden on buses shrieking down the 1/4 lane highway in Vietnam replete with 5 people one seat, 4 of those people throwing up, and the back windshield (definitely not safety glass - only the jagged deadly kind, of course) flying out mid-journey. And no, I didn't look behind onto the crowded, dusty road full of unprotected motorcyclists. Call me cold. That being said, today's bus ride was impressive given that, by the end of about 14 minutes on it, I had heard about 20 different people scream angrily for several different reasons, including transit fraud, slander associated with alleged transit fraud, general undirected anger and a minor catastrophe involving someone's repeated inability to open the back door. Oh, and someone told me to "take the drugs!" (although I suspect if I bothered to place that within its correct context that might be less random). Love the bus. Highly amused. And here I thought the West Coast was laid back? Bonus travel anecdote: On an AirNZ flight: hostess (handing out immigration forms): what nationality of passport are you travelling under? me: Canadian hostess: Great, so you're a U.S. citizen me: no, Canadian hostess: right. Here's the form for U.S. citizens Apparently international travel has done nothing for this woman?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm glad you've managed those bits of your epic journey safely!

I've been thinking of you squeezing into economy class seats...

Love, Emma

7:23 PM  
Blogger Nicole said...

Miss you! Canada is lucky to have you :)


7:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, where are you? missing your writing!

5:38 AM  
Blogger Sunshine said...

You have been tagged!!! Play this revealing and interesting way to see who is reading your blog! Navelgazing midwife tagged me, now you are it. Share 8 things that most people do not know about you.

7:41 PM  
Blogger Louisa said...

Come Back!!!
What's happening in your bit of the world!!
Xx L.

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss your blog entries!

8:59 AM  
Blogger yelsel said...

mianh, i hope it's ok for me to add you to my blogroll! let me know if it's not. buddy betts and melinda richka say hello.

10:59 PM  
Blogger Honey Crumb Cake Studio said...

Hi Mianh

I've been devouring your blog ever since I discovered it a few weeks ago. I'm dismayed that it appears to have stopped, abruptly, in July. Please come back to the blogosphere! I'm a student midwife in South Africa and I've so loved reading your eloquent, elegant posts.

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new arrival!!!

2:49 PM  

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