A scant few weeks ago I was on a remote beach in New Zealand dodging sand fleas and marvelling at the great big beauty of it.
Today I woke up late, scrambled to get dressed (clean underwear shortage already?!), feed miscellaneous cranky dogs, grabbed a cheque that needed to be taken to the bank (late!), found my name tag and dashed cold and crampy off to race around a restaurant for 5 hours.
I wonder how long I could keep doing the same thing before I started craving this switching nonsense?
They say birth is the great humbler because you never learn to anticipate what it thrusts your way.
I prefer to think of it as the great entertainer.
. . . . and switch.
So, I'm practicing on my holidays.
. . . . and switch.
were you singing that Will Smith song in your head as you wrote this post?
perhaps more like "I am slowly going crazy"
(The existence of the song wasn't something I was aware of)
it's a catchy song, you should give it a listen sometime
I feel like I brought down the whole tone of your blog by bringing up a frivolous Will Smith song. Or like I killed it. Depends on how emotional I'm feeling at that nanosecond.
it's ok jo - I love you still
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