I am not sleeping this night-time because we, this elegant little dyad of us - can sleep any time. Can curl up and sink our noses into each other's folds that are scentless in their familiarity. Custard-silk creases. Luxury trimmed in richness.
I am also not sleeping because I'm not at home and everything is a quarter-turn past perfectly comfortably familiar. The realization of this is tedious because it reminds me how hard and long it feels before things settle into home-ness. And this, of course, juxtaposes with the back-to-other-side-world-ness that is forthcoming. And the thought of reworking that transition, yet again, is a little achey and sharp.
Perhaps tacking on an entourage this time around will rub the edges some.
I'd like that.
And I'd like sleep.
Sweetness indeed. Sleep. Hmmm. Nice thought.
Hey, if you will be in NZ in Dec, I'm so coming to visit you... :)
I may yet wind up heading south, these American's have their midwifery all sorts of messed up.
Still have wee hat for missy ready to send. Just. cant. make. it. to. post office.
I'm desperately crap at this follow through business.
Xx L.
I tell you - you're in the crap filling of the midwifery sandwich. North or South is the way to go.
NZ in Dec - we will definitely be there! Visit, absolutely!
And my post office tip for managing my crap-sending tendencies: shove it in your bag and hope you pass by a post office while on you way to something else at a leisurely pace conducive to stopping along the way. A common occurence to be sure :p
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