The Other Side of the World: froglet

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I have an essay due in 2 days
the good: it's 1/8 done and 100% researched and straight forward
the bad: 1) it's the middle of the freaking holidays and I don't know what kind of insanity posessed me to leave it until now to do (except perhaps my persistant last-minute-minded-ness)
2) the lovely daddy is at work until tomorrow and I am at my mother's house ostensibly 'visiting' although everyone has left to go paint the rental house. Read: no one to pass baby off to. I regret that my mad mama/student skills do not encompass writing an essay and breastfeeding (although strangely enough they do encompass blogging and breastfeeding)
3) In a fit of idiocy I chose to write the essay on SIDS so now am in a constant state of anxiety everytime I contemplate the topic at hand. Helpful, really.
ah well. maelstroms are my specialty.
. . . and of course, there is the pacifying thought that if I could write (and pass!) an exam, breastfeeding a 2 week old non-happily-latching baby whilst ensconced in the swankily important offices of the New Zealand High Comission in downtown Ottawa (replete with dumping breast-milk that had collected in my nipple shells into a severe looking potted plant) - then I can do anything. . .
I think I sort of understand better why Morag's blog is titled such. Hey. . . at least I'm not on call. Yet.
Happy Holidays!


Blogger Tyler said...

If I can be somewhat topical;

Henry Ward Beecher would often wait until the last minute before preparing his oratories and sermons.

He said it wasn't procrastination, it was so that his ideas would be fresh.

"Some men like their bread cold" as he used to say. "I like mine hot".

Mind you, I think you're just procrastinating.

See you in a few hours...


3:52 PM  

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