The Other Side of the World: Mar 19, 2007

Monday, March 19, 2007

a little company

As fun as it is to make insane decisions to study midwifery 2 million miles away from home (and yes, that is the scientifically accurate distance) it's always nice to know that other people are like-minded (only not too many, because we wouldn't want a trend). Anyway, here is Nicole, testing the first year waters last weekend at our (second - see a trend of weekend school? trends as I said, are not good. . .)Lactation course. I'd like to think I was particularly helpful and persuasive over the last 6 months via phone and e-mail in luring her over here. . . but actually she's just as passionate about it, all on her own. In other news, I think I may actually get to unpack my suitcase this week as my flat renovations are finally done and my transient period has come to an end. Perhaps someone could remind me not to gypsify as a matter of habit. . . I haven't gotten dressed out a closet since early November, and it all feels a little unsettled. Me and my nesting habit. . . . .albeit messy nests where the clothes are never in the closet anyway. . . .